Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Bush V North Korea

Below is the complete text of a statement made by Mr. Bush on North Korea after the meetings with the European Union today in Vienna.
When I read this quick story, I had to restrain myself from laughing.  The first statement that really go to me was "The North Koreans have made agreements with us in the past and we expect them to keep their agreements."   Sort of like we have signed the Geneva Convention agreements but are finding ways to ignore them, by designating people as enemy combatants instead of Prisoners Of War.
The other statement that really got me was:"It should make people nervous when non-transparent regimes, that have announced that they've got nuclear warheads, fire missiles.  This is not the way you conduct business in the world. This is not the way that peaceful nations conduct their affairs"
No as we all know non-transparent resgimes that have announced they have nuclear warheads, and is the only country to have ever used anuclear weapon, conducts business in the world, as a peaceful nation, by invading other countries.
Okay enough rant for one lunch.
Bush: North Korean missile test 'should make people nervous'

VIENNA (CNN) -- President Bush warned North Korea that it would face further isolation if it violated agreements by test launching a missile believed capable of reaching the continental United States.

"The North Koreans have made agreements with us in the past and we expect them to keep their agreements," Bush said during a news conference at the end of a European Union summit Wednesday.

"It should make people nervous when non-transparent regimes, that have announced that they've got nuclear warheads, fire missiles," Bush said. "This is not the way you conduct business in the world. This is not the way that peaceful nations conduct their affairs."

Bush said the United States is reaching out to other nations to send the message to North Korea that "in order to be an accepted nation, a non-isolated nation, there are certain international norms that you must live by and we expect them to live by those norms." (Posted 11:18 a.m.)

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